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Become an Intern

Highland Friendship Club offers internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students of accredited U.S. universities. These opportunities include experience in the topics of social work, rehabilitation and therapy. In addition, HFC welcomes business, IT and communications students to bridge the gap between education and the nonprofit workplace.

Internships with the Highland Friendship Club include flexible hours and can be tailored to fit your requirements. Though all internships are unpaid, they provide an incomparable learning experience in the nonprofit sector as well as access to our ever-expanding network of connections within the community.

If interested in interning with HFC, please contact via email:


HFC Member

"It is a great way for me to stay busy. It is also a good opportunity for me to do things I like, and it gives me a chance to try new activities! It has been a good opportunity for me to maintain conversations every now and then."